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Nursing Faculty Development

The Research Foundation provides scholarships and awards to nursing faculty.

The Research Foundation provides scholarships and awards to nurse educators on faculty at Avila University, Research College of Nursing, or William Jewell College. Learn if you are eligible to apply.

We offer the following scholarships and awards:



The Research Foundation honors nursing education leader Dr. DeBasio by recognizing a faculty member who exemplifies heroic leadership.

  • Eligibility and Nomination Requirements >>>

    The Dr. Nancy O. DeBasio Faculty Leadership Award is given annually to a nursing faculty member in honor of Dr. Nancy O. DeBasio, who served as president and dean of Research College of Nursing from 1992 to 2017. The purpose of this award is to recognize a rising leader and nurse educator who exemplifies the four pillars of leadership, as framed by Chris Lowney: self-awareness, ingenuity, love, and heroism. 

    • Self-Awareness – An understanding of personal strengths and weakness as part of a worldview of nursing and health care
    • Ingenuity – Confident innovation in adapting to changes in education, the community and the world
    • Love – Engaging students and colleagues with a positive attitude that unlocks their potential and fosters their growth
    • Heroism – Energizing self and others with ambitions and passions for heroic excellence in every aspect of life

    Click here for more information about heroic leadership.

    The award is given to any nursing faculty member who teaches at Avila University, Research College of Nursing, or William Jewell College and has consistently demonstrated the characteristics of the pillars of heroic leadership in the role as nurse educator. The award is intended for rising leaders who demonstrate leadership skills in their role as a nurse educator. The ideal candidate is someone who possesses leadership qualities and is an aspiring nursing leader. Current nursing department chairs, provosts, or deans are not eligible to be nominated.  

    Faculty will be eligible for the award once every three years. The award includes a $2,500 honorarium. 

    The nursing program administrator or dean must submit the final recommendation using the form below to The Research Foundation by January 1.

    Nomination Requirements
    1. A 3-5 page recommendation from the nominator (faculty, staff, or governing board member) describing how the nominee exemplifies self-awareness, ingenuity, love, and heroism, as an educator through teaching, scholarship and service.
    2. A minimum of two letters supporting the recommendation from members of the faculty, staff, or governing board.

    All of these materials must be submitted to your nursing program administrator. Nursing program administrators will submit nomination materials to The Research Foundation.



The Research Foundation awards nursing faculty members who make a positive difference in the teaching climate at their college or university.

  • Eligibility and Nomination Requirements >>>

    The award is open to all nursing faculty who teach at Avila University, Research College of Nursing, or William Jewell College and includes a $1,500 honorarium. The nursing program administrator, nursing dean and/or the appropriate committee should nominate the recipient of the award. Faculty members will be eligible for the award once every two years.

    The award is given to those who have made a positive difference in the teaching climate of their college or university. Faculty members can be nominated on any one or more of the following criteria:

    - Has demonstrated model teaching that has been emulated or proved successful over time
    - Has inspired other teachers or has encouraged other faculty to take a more active interest in their teaching
    - Has developed or originated new subject areas in the discipline or nursing
    - Has devised new, original or pioneering teaching methods of instructional support
    - Has developed programs and learning outcome evaluation methods supportive of excellent teaching
    - Has demonstrated leadership in mentoring faculty or students
    - Has developed educational programs for lifelong learning or leadership in shaping educational policy

    Nomination Requirements
    1. Completed Teaching Excellence Award Nomination Form. Download the Teaching Excellence Award Nomination Form (PDF).
    2. A short essay from the nominee that describes how they meet the criteria named above. The essay should not exceed one typed page.
    4. Appropriate supporting documentation (presentations related to teaching and learning; accreditation or other comprehensive program reports; successful applications of technology to teaching and learning; positive peer assessments of innovations in teaching; state, regional, national or international recognition as a master teacher; grant awards in support of teaching and learning; design of outcome studies or evaluation/assessment programs and/or peer-reviewed publications of related research completed in the last three years)
    5. Curriculum vitae (CV)
    5. Letter of support from a peer

    All of these materials must be submitted to your nursing program administrator. Nursing program administrators will submit nomination materials to The Research Foundation.

    Nomination materials must be submitted to the nursing program administrator, nursing dean and/or appropriate committee by November 1. The nursing program administrator or nursing dean must submit the nomination to The Research Foundation by January 1.



The Research Foundation recognizes nursing faculty members who are advancing the teaching, research, and practice of nursing.

  • Eligibility and Nomination Requirements >>>

    The award is open to all nursing faculty who teach at Avila University, Research College of Nursing, or William Jewell College and includes a $1,500 honorarium. The nursing program administrator, nursing dean and/or the appropriate committee should nominate the recipient of the award. Research and presentations/publications must be completed during the year immediately preceding the year the award is given. Faculty members will be eligible for the award once every two years.

    The purpose of this award is to recognize the involvement of faculty members in scholarly pursuits. The award is given to faculty members who have made a positive difference in scholarly activities. These activities must advance the teaching, research and practice of nursing through inquiry that is significant to the profession, is creative, can be documented, can be replicated or elaborated and can be peer-reviewed.

    Nomination Requirements
    1. Completed Scholarly Achievement Award Nomination Form. Download the Scholarly Achievement Award Nomination Form (PDF).
    2. A short essay from the nominee that describes how they meet at least one of the three standards of scholarship in nursing: discovery, practice, and integrative. The essay should not exceed one typed page.
    4. Copy of the scholarly work (peer-reviewed publications of research, policy analysis, case studies, integrative reviews of the literature and others; copyrights, licenses, patents or products for sale; published books; positive peer evaluations of contributions to integrative scholarship; reports of interdisciplinary programs or service projects; interdisciplinary grant awards; presentations or policy papers designed to influence organizations or governments).
    5. Curriculum vitae (CV)
    5. Letter of support from a peer

    All of these materials must be submitted to your nursing program administrator. Nursing program administrators will submit nomination materials to The Research Foundation.

    Nomination materials must be submitted to the nursing program administrator, nursing dean and/or appropriate committee by November 1. The nursing program administrator or nursing dean must forward their recommendation to The Research Foundation by January 1.



The Research Foundation honors faculty members who are involved in outstanding service to the community.

  • Eligibility and Nomination Requirements >>>

    The award is open to all nursing faculty who teach at Avila University, Research College of Nursing, or William Jewell College and includes a $1,500 honorarium. The nursing program administrator, nursing dean and/or the appropriate committee should nominate the recipient of the award. Faculty members will be eligible for the award once every two years.

    The purpose of this award is to recognize the involvement of faculty members in outstanding service to the community. The award is given to those who demonstrate service to the community and encourages faculty and students to provide leadership and service that fosters community growth. Faculty members can be nominated on any one or more of the following criteria:

    - Has inspired teachers and students to more actively perform community service
    - Has developed or originated new service projects, including interdisciplinary projects that identify and help alleviate community health problems
    - Has devised or demonstrated a new, original or pioneering community service model that has been emulated or proved successful over time
    - Has shown leadership in demonstrating professional nursing’s cultural competence and commitment to community service
    - Has demonstrated effective use of political and networking skills to promote implementation of effective community health policy
    - Has demonstrated, in a scholarly manner, the importance and effectiveness of professional nursing service to the community

    Nomination Requirements
    1. Completed Outstanding Community Service Award Nomination Form. Download the Outstanding Community Service Award Nomination Form (PDF).
    2. A short essay from the nominee that describes how they meet the criteria named above. The essay should not exceed one typed page.
    4. Appropriate supporting documentation (presentations and/or publications related to nursing’s community service; state, regional, national or international recognition for community service; grant awards in support of community service; successful applications of technology to community service and service learning; design and implementation of outcome or evaluation/assessment research about community service programs or successful implementation of programs or policies that have alleviated community health problems and have been completed in the last three years).
    5. Curriculum vitae (CV)
    5. Letter of support from a peer

    All of these materials must be submitted to your nursing program administrator. Nursing program administrators will submit nomination materials to The Research Foundation.

    Nomination materials must be submitted to the nursing program administrator, nursing dean and/or appropriate committee by November 1. The nursing program administrator or nursing dean must forward their recommendation to The Research Foundation by January 1.



The Research Foundation values the retention of nurse educators in Kansas City by funding individuals pursuing a PhD, EdD, DNP, or DNE.

  • Eligibility and Application Requirements >>>

    Individuals must be a faculty member in a full-time position at the nursing programs at Avila University, Research College of Nursing, or William Jewell College and be accepted into a regionally accredited doctoral program with a definitive plan of study.

    Application Requirements
    1. Completed Doctoral Study Scholarship Application Form. Download the Doctoral Study Scholarship Application Form (PDF).
    2. An essay answering the following questions. Essay should not exceed one page.

    Identify and analyze current trends in nursing and higher education that will have an impact on your role as a faculty member.

    What would you forecast as the most profound change yet to occur in the education/practice environment?

    How would your doctorate education facilitate your approach to this change?

    3. Submission of a definitive plan of study.
    4. Two letters of recommendation from a professional colleague and your nursing program administrator or nursing dean.
    5. Curriculum vitae (CV).
    6. Completed Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Release Form. You must also provide a signed copy to the professional colleague and nursing program administrator or nursing dean you select to provide your letters of recommendation. Download the FERPA Form (PDF).
    7. Official transcripts of any and all undergraduate and postgraduate education sent from respective universities or colleges.
    8. Signed promissory note. Download the promissory note (PDF).

    All of these materials must be submitted to your nursing program administrator. Nursing program administrators will submit application materials to The Research Foundation.

    Applications for funding must be made to nursing program administrators by November 1. The nursing program administrator must submit the application materials with his/her recommendation to The Research Foundation by January 1. The Research Foundation will make awards by March 1.



The Research Foundation encourages continuing education opportunities for Kansas City nursing faculty.

  • Eligibility and Application Requirements >>>

    Individuals must be a faculty member at the nursing programs at Avila University, Research College of Nursing, or William Jewell College. The conferences or workshops should provide information that is applicable to the faculty member's field and should ultimately benefit enhanced student learning. A scholarship recipient is only eligible to receive one scholarship per 12 months based on the date of the conference.

    Application Requirements
    1. An essay answering the following questions. Essay should not exceed one page.

    Describe why you would like to attend this conference or workshop.

    Describe how you will disseminate the knowledge you have gained to your colleagues when you return.

    Describe how this conference or workshop is relevant to your role as a nurse educator.

    Explain how this conference or workshop will ultimately enhance student learning.

    Give a brief rationale as to why you should be selected.

    3. Letter of recommendation from a nursing peer.
    4. Conference or workshop brochure.
    5. Budget for continuing education activity.

    Deadlines are January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. Applications must be received at least 30 days prior to the start of the conference or workshop in order to be considered for funding.



The Research Foundation facilitates faculty development by funding short-term research and study projects.

  • Eligibility and Application Requirements >>>

    Individuals must be a faculty member in a full-time position with the nursing programs at Avila University, Research College of Nursing, or William Jewell College. Faculty members must have completed three full academic years. Primary consideration will be given to the merits of the research project. The nursing program administrator or nursing dean may also consider the impact the project may have on current and future program needs. Examples of projects include but are not limited to the following:

    - Primary empirical research
    - Evidence-based practice projects
    - Education evaluation research
    - Manuscript development

    Priority will be given to applications from faculty members who have not received faculty research grants during the two preceding calendar years. If an applicant has previously received a faculty research grant, he or she would only be eligible for another grant if the required reports for the previous grant have been submitted and the outcomes have been documented.

    Application Requirements
    1. Completed Faculty Scholarship Grant Application Form. Download the Faculty Scholarship Grant Application Form (PDF).
    2. A description of the proposed research grant project including the following information:

    Describe the specific project for which you are applying, including a statement of the objective of the research project.

    Please explain how this project fits in with your own long-range development plans.

    Give specific dates through which your research grant-supported work would extend.

    When you have completed the grant-supported segment of your project, how will you evaluate the experience and the achievement of the project objective?

    All of these materials must be submitted to your nursing program administrator. Nursing program administrators will submit application materials to The Research Foundation.

    Applications for funding must be made to nursing program administrator or nursing dean by December 1. The nursing program administrator or nursing dean must submit the application with his/her recommendation to The Research Foundation by January 1. Distribution of funds will follow the completion of an evaluation report. The grantee will be expected to submit an expense report and a written evaluation of the project within 30 days after completion of the project. The report should be submitted to The Research Foundation and the nursing program administrator or nursing dean by December 1. Funding would be distributed by December 31. Applicants choosing two-year research projects will receive half of the grant after submitting the project update no later than December 1 of the first academic year.